

The way i am going to go about this short film is by getting all of my storyboard and shot list. I will have to find a child that will be willing to be a part of my short film as the child in the younger years who will run for cover under the stairs away from his parents. I will then need to get a child of an older age who might be in a high school/primary school stage   that will be showing rebellious behavior which kind of shadows what he has grown up with, these scenes won’t be too long. Then, i will need to find an adult male who looks similar to both actors used before, and also a female about the same age. I will hopefully have access to a 50mm lens which will help me get some more cinematic shots, i will have my own 18-55mm lens which i have with my Canon 70D camera. I will use tripods and also dolly’s, i will also have to find a small dog that i can use for part of my video. For the editing, i have researched colour grading and will have to learnt how to do that in my short film. Most of the things that i will need to do is make sure my cinematography is perfect while filming, this will be easier as i am doing this by myself so i can get my shots to how i want them to be. I will have to perfect the cinematography because i cannot adjust the angles in editing but i can adjust the colour which will help give me the cinematography look.

I have researched songs i wish to use, i have practiced using a 50mm lens for different test shots. I have also gathered props for my short film, including glass, plates and a calligraphy pen. I have made a shot list that i will be using and also a storyline i will also be working off when i film my short film.


Week 1 – Planning/Development

Prepare all assets, location sorted, transport sorted. All equipment is booked out, camera’s battery is charged, SD card is initialized. Actor/Actress knows their filming day and meeting place. Shot list ready, crew ready.


Week 2 – Filming & Capture

1 full day filming, (Wednesday 4th May/Thursday 5th May). My actor is free Wednesday all day or Thursday until 13:00pm. Actress is free whenever i need to film. I am planning to film Wednesday until 14:00pm because both my actor and actress are free and i have my transport prepared for that day.

Week 3 – Filming & Capture

Once i have looked over all my footage, i will decide whether to re-shoot footage or if i am good to go ahead and star editing my short film. If i need to re-shoot footage, then i will go ahead and do exactly what i did in week 2.

On dedicated filming days, filming will occur all day. Breaks will occur to refresh all cast and crew every two hours for health and safety.


Week 4 – Editing

This will be the week where i will gather all my footage into Premiere Pro and make an edit which fits to music, i will perfect the placement of clips and make sure i have marked the beats of the song to the cut of the clip.

Week 5 – Editing

The final week of editing will consist of making sure all titles are in place, with credits acknowledging my cast and crew. It will also be my week for all final adjustments, so colour grading and sound editing etc.

Initial Submission (25th May)


Half Term (27th May)


Week 6 – Alterations + Final Submissions

This week will be my week for adding extras into my film, i will be making sure that everything fits and if i need to add anything into the film, or adjust anything then i will do.

(10th June)


Week 7 – Exhibition Setup

Week 8 – Put Up Exhibition


The opening shot consists of the female character sat on the sofa with a table in front of her, she is writing wedding invitations to her wedding with her fiancé. The invitations will be handwritten with a nice fountain pen. It will be an extreme closeup of the pen onto paper. The shot also has a pile of envelopes on the table which shows she has already done quite a lot.

The next shot is a wider shot of her writing the invitations while surrounded by wedding magazines and other wedding materials. This is to show off the fact that she is organizing her wedding. This is a visual way to show the audience instead of it being said.

The the fiancé walks in (male) and accidentally nudges the table, making the female scribble on the page. It will have a shot of her paper allowing the audience to notice what she has done as a result of this incident. It will then show the anger in her face as she jumps out of her chair shouting in his face. His reaction is to defend himself, shouting back too. There are multiple shots of things being smashed, including glass and maybe even plates with food on. You do not get to see who throws this but all the audience knows is that it happens. After this argument, you see the male walk out of the room, slamming the door, and the woman just slumps back into the chair holding her head in shame, looking as if she is stressed and pulling her hair out.

The next shot is out of the room where the male has walked out of, he is against the wall crying with maybe a few cuts on the side of his head where he will have been hit. He slowly moves down the wall in despair. It the cuts back to a shot of the female on the sofa still with her head in her hands with a bit of blood on her fists but subtly, so not that obvious so that it gives away the whole things.

It then has a close up of the male’s face who is upset which then turns to anger as he walks back into the room to confront his fiancé. The woman then hits the male leaving him to fall back into the camera. The end shot is a shot of him on the floor with the woman standing over him looking nervous or worried. This reveals that it was the woman who has been abusing the male all along.

Shooting List

-Establishing shot of actress sat on chair writing on paper surrounded by cards and other wedding materials. This is a wider shot, gathering the whole environment in.

-Extreme close up of writing on paper. See the ink go onto the paper. The card is an invitation to a wedding. Using a calligraphy pen. Surrounded by other cards she has done and a box full of other wedding materials.

-The fiancé walks in through the door. Accidentally nudges her. 

-Close up of the impact that he has done, it has made her scribble on the card.

-Shot of her standing up and trying to show him the box as if he doesn’t ever help, she hands him the box and he throws it away causing them to argue, in the same shot the male walks out the room upset that she has been angry at him and the female goes to pick up the wedding materials.

-The next shot is out in the hallway where the male has walked, he is against the wall crying as he slides down the wall, this is quite a long shot as it captures the whole movement of him sliding down the wall.

-It then cuts to a close up shot of him crying, rubbing his eyes. Him being upset then turns into anger as he clenches his fist and gets up.

-Then cuts back to the long shot of him getting up to storm back up to the door to the kitchen, he stops, takes a breath and then goes to push open the door, quite aggressively.

-The next shot is a continuation of the male going into the kitchen to confront his fiancé, it is a shot of through the door window looking at his breathe and preparation before he storms into the room. He then barges open the door angrily.

-It then cuts to an over the shoulder shot revealing him walking up to the fiancé who has just finished picking up the wedding materials which had been tossed onto the floor. Quickly, the fiancé notices him and starts shouting that she doesn’t want to do this. All in the same long shot which started over the shoulder. The wife then slams down the box and turns to the male who is squaring up to her, getting in her face. She nudges him backwards.

-It then turns into a punch as the female swings her arm round to hit the male.  This is an angled shot so that it looks as if she hits him, but obviously for health and safety reasons, she wouldn’t actually hit him. This knocks him to the floor. 

-The next shot is just a quick glimpse of the male on the floor with a bit of blood around his mouth, looking as if had been knocked unconscious. This is a closer up shot of his face looking down on him to show how he is now smaller than her, and that she is overlooking him.

-The last shot is a shot of the female looking down on her fiancé that she just hit, looking nervous. This shot is from the males point of view, looking directly up at her.



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I contacted Dan and Sara to see if they are possible to film anytime, Dan replied saying he could film all Wednesday and until 1 on a Thursday.

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Sara replied asking about what time she would need to be available, and what she would need to be doing.

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I replied to her, briefing her on what time would be easier for me and also what she would need to be doing on the day of shooting. She then talked to me in person saying she would be too busy to film because of her tutorials and she can’t really get out of college, this is where my contingency plan came into hand as i re-cast her role for Gracie.

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I booked out equipment for my day of filming, i also had my transport sorted and location too.

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I emailed the record company about the song “Say Something” asking for permission to use the song. They did not get back to me but at least i attempted to get permission to use it but not make money of it.

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I organised transport to the location, this will make it faster to get to the location and also easier than carrying all the equipment on the bus.


The Equipment that i will require whilst filming my short film is:

  • Canon EOS 70D
  • Tripod
  • External Light
  • Microphone
  • 18-55mm Lens
  • 50mm Lens
  • Cold Shoe Adapter

I will also need a several number of props:

  • Lots of glass
  • Wedding magazines
  • Cleaning brush
  • Calligraphy Pen
  • Theatrical Makeup
  •  Yellow Cleaning glove
  • Wedding Invitation
  • Pile of envelopes

Release Form/Copyright

PROD. #:                                                     
PRODUCTION TITLE:                                                     
To Whom It May Concern:
I (the undersigned) hereby grant to ____________________ the right to photograph me and to record my voice, performances, poses, actions, plays and appearances, and use my picture, photograph, silhouette and other reproductions of my physical likeness in connection with the student motion picture tentatively entitled
______________________________________________________(the “Picture”).
I hereby grant to _______________________________, their successors, assigns and licensees the perpetual right to use, as you may desire, all still and motion pictures and sound track recordings and records which you may make of me or of my voice, and the right to use my name or likeness in or in connection with the exhibition, advertising, exploiting and/or publicizing of the picture. I further grant the right to reproduce in any manner whatsoever any recordings including all instrumental, musical, or other sound effects produced by me, in connection with the production and/or postproduction of the Picture.
I agree that I will not assert or maintain against ___________________________, your successors, assigns and licensees, any claim, action, suit or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to those grounded upon invasion of privacy, rights of publicity or other civil rights, or for any reason in connection with your authorized use of my physical likeness and sound in the Picture as herein provided.
By my signature here I understand that I will, to the best of my ability, adhere to the schedule agreed to prior to the beginning of my engagement. Additionally, I agree, to the best of my ability, to make myself available should it be necessary, to rerecord my voice and/or record voice-overs and otherwise perform any necessary sound work required after the end of filming. Should I not be able to perform such sound work, I understand that __________________________may enter into agreement with another person to rerecord my dialogue and/or record voice-overs and use this sound work over my picture or however they deem appropriate.
I further acknowledge and agree that any commitments beyond the scope and intent of this release are the sole responsibility of the above named production, or its duly appointed representative(s) and NOT the “Name of Company”.
I hereby certify and represent that I am over 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof.
Name: Address:
CHARACTER NAME                                                     


For my contingency plan, there were so many things that could have gone wrong:

If Sara doesn’t turn up, Gracie will take her place, if Gracie doesn’t turn up then any other female in media.

If Dan doesn’t turn up, then i would have Shona as a replacement and make it a short film about a same-sex domestic violence.

If Saket doesn’t let us use his house, i would use someone else’s accommodation that i know. If not that then i would use Erin’s house because it is nearby.

If Shona couldn’t have taken us then we would have got the bus with the equipment and walked from the bus station because it is not that far from there.


Main Actress – Gracie Vincent

Main Actor – Dan Lees

I only had two roles for my short film as it is a short film about a relationship between a couple who are about to get married, therefore i only needed two people for my cast. I had another actress lined up for the main role but as she was busy i had my contingency plan to fall back on, being Gracie.


Director/DP/Equipment – George Foy

Shona – Continuity/Transport 

Saket – Props/Location

As it is my short film, i directed it and sorted out all the cinematography etc. Shona came along to help with transport getting to my filming location and also to help out keep the set the way it needs to stay with all the wedding invitations, glass and plates etc. Then Saket was who’s ‘house’ we used for the location. We used his student accommodation because nobody was going to be there, and he also helped out with props and lighting etc.

Production/Blog Process

As i have said in my schedule part of my development that i will be doing editing and filming on certain days, i have stuck to this plan and had my schedule being very specific. I have had two weeks to film and stuck to that and also given myself limited time to edit my video but also i have stuck to the part which is dying about alterations and colour correction etc. 


I have been in contact for legal reasons about the song that i am using for my video. I have emailed the record label for permission to use the song. I have clarified that i won’t be making any money from the production of my video. I have put the name of the song into my credits of my video. I did a test render before colour correction of my video and uploaded it to YouTube, it got banned from one country for copyright reasons. The final render that i do will be on unlisted and the name of the song will still be in the credits.


Health & Safety

Even though i didn’t do a full on risk assessment of the location, i did make sure my whole filming time was filming in daylight so it wasn’t dark, my whole cast and crew stayed together the entire time. Everybody knew where the exits were and i did make sure for the fall scene, where the subject pretends to be punched, that there was a soft landing with plenty of pillows and other soft things for him to land on.

Test Footage

The test footage was just a trial to see if i could get the shot that i had in my head. I wanted to get a shot of behind the person close enough to fill the whole page with their back so the audience doesn’t know what is happening and all of a sudden they subject falls backwards revealing who had hit them. Instead i tried getting shots of my male being punched from an angle that looks realistic. I also tried to get a shot from the back but it didn’t go to how i thought it would, because i had it pictured out in my head.


Final Video