Task 1

Specific Locations within Preston’s College:

ISTEM Building – Input Zone

Basketball Court

Music Room

Car Park


How could they be used?

The Input Zone could be used as either a classroom or a lecture theatre. It is very big and spacious but will potentially have problems with how to show it. The inflatable screen might not have anywhere to plug in and having a projector will have placement problems. The health and safety that we might have problems with might be because the seats that we would use have drops in front of them.


The basketball court might have problems with seating and also its not really a relevant location for any films unless they included sports. Another problem with the basketball court would be the echo in the hall because it is quite a big room.



The music room would be suitable because it will have seats and it would link with musical films. The only problem is that there might not be enough seats for people but would be a suitable idea.


The car park would be a suitable place for a film that includes car parks although it would be hard to get the car park to be empty for the time that we are showing the film. It might also have health and safety because of the moving vehicles.


The nursery would be a good location for some films because that film might have scenes which have a nursery with toys and stuff. We would have problems with this though because the nursery is used everyday so i don’t think it would be possible to use this as a location.

Potential Films

Camp Rock (2008, Matthew Diamond)

Camp Rock would be a good idea because it is set in a school so would be a good environment for this film.


Mean Girls (2004, Mark Water)

Mean girls is also set in an educational environment so would be a good environment for this because we are in a educational environment.



Toy Story 3 (2010, Lee Unkrich)

This would be a good film because it is about toys and a nursery. If we were to show it in the nursery, it would fit perfectly because there are toys in the nursery so it would make the environment fit with the film.


Indiana Jones the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008, Steven Spielberg)

This would be a good film to show in the Input Zone because the input zone is like a lecture theatre and in the film Indiana Jones is a lecturer so it would fit well. This is also a good location because it is very spacious and has a lot of room for seats.



Potential Audiences

The potential audience could be old people, students studying film, psychiatrists, neurologists, people who are interested in love stories, and people who like films with sad endings.


You could market this film by saying it has been voted as the best film ever made, you could use Hitchcock as a way to market it. You could include things that are used in the film. Also you could market it with an event that would cater to the majority of the audience by doing something such as bingo.

Audience Responses

To get a response from the audience we could make little interviews by filming them with very quick questions and also short questionnaires with a scale on 1-10 on how much they enjoyed the film but also ask them how they feel about it.


The challenges would be that it is hard to understand, you don’t really know what is happening much. it is quite a slow, long stretched film with a bit of waiting around. It will be hard to get the word out about the film and just raise awareness about the event. Also getting the right audience to come and to be able to target them to come.

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