Online Unit – Week 1

Task 1 – Online Unit

Public Service – BBC (TV) BBC Film (Film) This is because they are funded by the license fee and do not rely on adverts to fund them. We know they are a public service because they do not have adverts and do not rely on them to keep the service up and running so they use the TV license instead to fund them making more shows and films.

BBC Film News story – World of Warcraft, Duncan Jones is directing it and its the biggest movie of his career so far. He said “When I came in I pitched what I thought it should be: essentially a war story where the story is told from both sides and both sides can be empathised with – and that is the film that we made.”

Commercial – Paramount (Film) ITV (TV) This is everyone else because they are funded by people. They are commercial organizations and their aim is to make money. Paramount have had their theme park pushed back and bosses will be submitting their application mid-2016. This means, if approved, the theme park will not be opening until 2021. “In light of our ongoing studies and detailed discussions with the Planning Inspectorate‎ and local authorities, we have decided to give ourselves a bit more time to do this and to revise our submission date for the Development Consent Order. ITV – ITN announced today that award-winning journalist Robert Peston will join ITV News’ line-up of expert journalists as Political Editor and will host a new Sunday programme, ‘Peston on Sunday’. Geoff Hill, Editor of ITV News said: “I’m delighted that Robert is joining us at such an important time as we continue to develop News at Ten. He is a hugely respected and competitive journalist, renowned for agenda-setting journalism. Our news programmes will benefit greatly from his distinctive style and his political expertise, and his appointment sends out a clear message about our ambitions.”


Private – Betty is a private company which produces films and TV programmes which are broadcasted on BBC 1, BBC 2, BBC 3, Channel 4, More4, E4, ITV, Discovery Channel, TLC and Fox. On the website for ‘Betty’ it says “Betty has recently been voted the second best indie to work for by freelancers and ranks number two in the top 10 popular factual producers.” Even using the word “indie” shows that they are a private comapany, ‘Betty’ produce all these shows and films and get them distributed which makes them private because it does not allow shares to be held. This means that they are completely production based and have nothing to do with distribution and advertisement.


Corporate – Fox (TV) Warner Brothers (Film) big companies who trade whos shares are traded in stock exchanges. So whoever holds them is in control of the stocks. The stocks are public so that anyone can buy a share into the company and it isnt private. You can hold a share in the company and sell it whenever you want for a profit it the shares go up. A corporation is a big business that owns many little companies and has subsiduary branches, for example Warner Bros own Warner Bros distribution companies which makes it a corporation because the stock exchange is open to the public which means the public can buy shares into the company and so all the subsiduary companies then put all their profits together at the end of the year and so all the shareholders get a divident of so much money per share they have. It is the same with Fox becase they own Fox Animation so it is the same principal with TV as it is for film.


Independant – All3Media (TV) Aardman Animations (Film). These are companies that aren’t owned by anyone else or part of a conglomerate because they are individual and do their own things. All3Media – Lionsgate are keen to forge strong ties with All3Media after they invested in the Orange is the New Black producer. Yardman Animations – The storage building belonging to Oscar-winning Aardman Animations, contained the company’s “entire history”, a spokesman said. Wallace and Gromit creator Nick Park said it was “dreadful” for the company but comparatively “not a big deal”. “Everything has gone, from as far back as Morph and all the way through to Chicken Run, including Wallace and Gromit, Creature Comforts, it’s all there. Everyone is devastated.”