Simon Project


Ways of creatively sending out a message instead of using fancy pictures but by just using graphics that are very simple and also use a lot of space to make the message more effective. They use block colours so that they do not have tones or textures so it is kept at a very simple level.



Graphics are used instead of using fancy pictures, they don’t have to use up all the space on the poster because the more space left, the more effective it seems because it focuses your attention on that one graphic.

Photoshop to After Effects Process

Add the poster into Photoshop to begin the process of setting it up for motion graphics.
Use the magic wand to quick select the piece that you want. Then press ‘cmd-c’ to copy and then ‘cmd-v’ to paste into a new layer. This is the start of creating individual layers for motion graphics.
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The Magic Wand Tool
The add all the individual layers into folders to keep them organized so they are easier to use later in the process.

When we add all the footage into After Effects, not merged so that all the layers are separate, the we can start to animate each individual layer.

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I have put in rotations, positions and fade. This is so all the different layers do different things and animate at different speeds and do different motions. I then created a text path so that the text flies round that path.

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